Lviv National Academic Men’s Choir “Dudaryk” presented a new project “Adoption”. This is a project about Ukrainian songs and works stolen by the Russians.
Every Thursday at 14:00 on YouTube and in the social networks of the band there will be a presentation of songs that have robbed our people.
On May 26, the first song of the project was presented – “Banner” by Volodymyr Ivasyuk and Oles Honchar.
“We identify the songs, find the original text, then the works are arranged, they are memorized by the choir and presented to the general public and sarcoma to the Muscovites. These songs, like all Ukrainian people, have been in slavery for three centuries, such as Bucha and Mariupol, Crimea and Donetsk.
These songs in the stolen Russian interpretation are powerless evidence of a heinous crime, witnesses and an instrument of its commission, “- says the leader of the team, author of the project and conductor Dmitry Katsal.
The project was prepared for presentation on March 8-9. Now it is a media initiative in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Support the Armed Forces of Ukraine: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/about/support-the-armed-forces
Return Alive Foundation: https://savelife.in.ua/donate/
Serhiy Prytula Charitable Foundation: https://prytulafoundation.org/
NGO “Dudaryk Art Association” – abbreviated name;
DUDARYK Art Association – in English;
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IPAY.UA (in the “search” enter the word DUDARIK or follow the link
Donation from any payment card in any currency.
PAYPAL: office@dudaryk.ua
Recipient of payment: DUSHENKO OLEH
PrivatBank card: 5168 7554 4696 1274
For institutions and organizations payee: DUSHENKO OLEH
Bank institution: PrivatBank
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Lviv City Council: https://city-adm.lviv.ua/news/culture/291685-dudaryk-prezentuvav-novyi-proiekt-pryiniattia-spivaiut-pisni-iaki-rosiiany-vkraly-v-ukraintsiv