This year, 170 participants from 19 regions of Ukraine sent their video performances.
170 participants gathered at the 28th All-Ukrainian festival-competition of performers on folk musical instruments “Spring”.
The “Provesin” festival is held with the aim of popularizing the national school of performance on folk musical instruments, raising the level of professional training of creative youth, generalizing the methods of teaching special disciplines, spreading advanced pedagogical experience, developing and promoting folk instrumental art.
Pupils of primary art educational institutions and students of advanced music education institutions participated in nine nominations and four age categories, and received eight Grand Prix. The contestants demonstrated not only their own performing abilities, emotional understanding of the musical text and artistry, but also the spiritual power and immortality of the people’s musical culture.
As reported by the Department of Culture of Nationalities and Religions of the Lviv State Academy of Arts, the winner in the category “Accordion III category” was won by a student of the II year of the Lviv Music Vocational College named after S. Lyudkevycha – Semko Oleksandr.
The organizer of the Competition is the Kirovohrad School of Music.
For reference:
Students of higher educational institutions of culture and art of I-II levels of accreditation, students of secondary special music boarding schools, primary specialized art educational institutions, pedagogical practice studios at higher educational institutions of culture and arts of I-II levels of accreditation and their leading teachers; professional and amateur ensembles, orchestras of folk instruments.
The festival includes a methodical conference on music pedagogy, seminars, master classes. creative meetings with leading musicians of Ukraine, concerts of laureates of international and all-Ukrainian competitions, concerts of professional and amateur ensembles, orchestras of folk instruments, competitions of performers on folk musical instruments.