Novoyavorivsk hosted a banner exhibition of photographs and authentic rhetoric of a participant in the national-volitional struggle of Ukrainians in the 20th century, dedicated to the heroic struggle of Ukrainians for Independence.
Відтак усі присутні мали змогу ознайомитися зі світлинами й розповідями, які записав і упорядкував український історик, етнограф Євген Луньо, також заслухали життєві історії Почесних союзянок Новояворівського осередку від Романії Торбич і Романа Жеплинського «Я була зв’язкова» Уривки історій жінок Яворівщини у повстанській боротьбі “.
The creative collectives and vocalists of the Novoyavorivsk city completed the acoustic evening of the rebel song, and the social cafe of the BO “Children of the Mri” / “GO” Regina ” often enjoyed blissful kava and smakoliki.
Let’s guess, such an approach made it possible to tell about the difficult fate of the women of Yavorivshchyna and their role in the UPA. Rozpovіsti nayzrozumіlіshoy my – my light and folk explanations. Glancing at our young girls, as if they had given them their health and life for our future, having read one life’s history of skins, you could build up the power of visnovka about all the drama and heroism of human beings during that folding period, about the stench, about the on how to remember merit for myself, about the history of the incorrigible.
Exhibition Creators
Viddіl culture, youth and sport of Novoyavorivsk city for the sake of the Palace of Culture “Crystal”