Новини культури

The 168th ethno-fest on the occasion of Ivan Franko’s birthday was held in the Naguyevychi reserve

Charity auctions were held during the concert. They managed to raise 165 thousand hryvnias to buy a Franco-Bus for the military.

The day before, on 25 August, the 168th ethno-fest was held at the Franko estate in the Naguyevychi State Historical and Cultural Reserve to celebrate Ivan Franko’s birthday.

The eventful programme included several dozen charitable ethno-locations both on the estate and at the Literary and Memorial Museum. The festival participants were able to see beaded items, original jewellery and ceramics, wool felting and oil painting, decoupage and embroidery by craftswomen from the Frankivsk region. Everyone also took part in masterclasses in painting, playing Boyko instruments, straw weaving and thread weaving.

Charity auctions were held during the concert. In total, we managed to raise UAH 165,000 that day.

All of them will be used to purchase a combat Franco-Bus for our soldiers of the military unit A1108 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The conference hall of the Ivan Franko Literary and Memorial Museum hosted the opening of the charity exhibition photo project “One Day in the Life… A Story of the Unbreakable Ukrainian Spirit” by the head of the projects “Photos of Old Lviv” and “Lviv Photomuseum”, photography historian and volunteer Roman Metelsky and the author’s presentation of the unique monograph on French studies by Yaroslav Lopushansky “Vienna Franquiana: Ivan Franko’s Studies, Doctorate, and Academic Environment at the University of Vienna (1892-1893).

“It is always a pleasure for me to visit Ivan Franko’s homeland, and today we are all here for such a good reason – his birthday. This year marks the 168th anniversary of his birth, and we still continue to be amazed by his genius, appreciate all his creative and scientific achievements, and make sure that his memory is kept alive. That is why I would like to sincerely thank the staff of the Naguyevychi State Historical and Cultural Reserve and its director, Bohdan Lazorak, for their tireless work on a daily basis. For making every effort to popularise the name of our national genius, from whom we should all take an example today. May his eternal testaments help us in our struggle for freedom!” said Iryna Havryliuk, Director of the Department for Culture, Nationalities and Religions of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

Next to the monument to Petro Franko, a charity exhibition of drones, 3-D modelling, printers and robotics was held by teachers and students of the Robotics and Computer Modelling Club of the House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Drohobych Youth.

The charity patriotic concert in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was opened by the Academic Choir “Canticum” of the Vasyl Barvinsky Drohobych Music College with a performance of the Ukrainian national anthem “God, the Great One, Save Ukraine!”.

The concert was followed by a young band from Drohobych – the rock band “Zapalennya”, and experienced performers from Sambir – the rock band “Van BOB”. They “ignited” with their energy not only young people, but also the older generation, those who listened to this style of music on cassette recorders.

Ancient songs at the ethno-musical location were performed by Lviv kobzar, lyre-blind man Lajos Molnar.

The performance of the pearl of Drohobych artistic culture, the Honoured Carpathian Song and Dance Ensemble “Verkhovyna”, and the performance of People’s Artist of Ukraine Ivan Popovych were outstanding.

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