Lviv has a unique international photo exhibition “9X10”. The exhibition will present photos on the topic of war by Ukrainian, French, Polish, American and Japanese authors.
The theme of the international photo exhibition “9×10” is the war of Russia against Ukraine from different angles, and even at the exhibition there will be presented works by radically different authors, such as: journalists, photojournalists, architects, street photographers and our defenders. They have their own accents, details and style of conveying deep emotions through photography.
The exhibition will feature the following authors:
· Ania Klosek (Poland, Warsaw) – documentary filmmaker, street photographer. Jury member of Leice Sheet Photo, Miami Street Photography Festival.
· Guillaume Herbaut (France, Paris) – photographer, producer, documentary maker, writer. Winner of World Press, Prix Kodak.
· Marion Pehee (France, Chartres) – photojournalist, documentarian. Laureate and winner of the 32nd Lagardere competition. Works with Der Spiegel, L’écho, le Figaro, Elle and others.
· Craig Ruttle (USA, New York) – documentary maker, street photographer.
· Oles Kromplyas (Ukraine, Kiev) – Viysk photographer, community hero. Having taken part in the defense of the Donetsk airport, having seen the defense of Mariupol, fighting for Ilovaisk, the first photographer in Kherson.
· Antoine Martin (France, Paris) – photographer, documentary maker. Pratsiuvav for Paris Saint Germain. Contributor to the Paris Match competition.
· Yuriy Melnyk (Ukraine, Lviv) – journalist, photojournalist, assistant professor and speaker at the Department of Journalism.
· Tіl Meєr (Bamberg, Nіmechina) – documentary maker, photojournalist, director. Since 2007 the fate of life in Ukraine. In 2018, he was awarded the Coburg Edward Award for the film Winter in Lviv. This film won 120,000 euros, as they went to social assistance for self-reliant summer people in Ukraine.
· Sekita Wataru, Tetsuro Takehana, Taku Gosokawa (Japan, Tokyo) – photojournalists, newspaper Asahi shimbun.
· Martin Duplantier (France, Paris) – architect, president of the joint architects in France, photographer. Ocholyuє mіsіyu z vvchennya i zberezhennya cultural Ukrainian background, architectural monuments.
· Luk’yan Turetskiy (Ukraine, Lviv) – works in the gallery of graphic design and takes up photography. In 2015-2016, he served in ZSU. From the beginning of a full-scale aggression until the first hour – in the lavas of the Evil Forces of Ukraine.
· Yuriy Ruf (Ukraine, Lviv) – singer, writer, screenwriter, scholar. Having died under the hour of the prophetic shelling on April 1, 2022 (posthumous tribute).
The meta of the exhibition is to show the bright, the vidchay, the ruination, but at the same time the hope, the courage and the innocence of the Ukrainian people.
The exhibition will be held on February 21 at 15:00 at the mirror hall of the Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. S. Krushelnitskoy. A press conference will be held within the boundaries of the tract of the exhibition, at which time you will be able to get to know the authors and organizers, find out more about the photographs and their history.
Godini robotic exhibitions:
Fri – 11:00-16:30 and 18:00-20:00
Sat – 11:00-15:30 and 17:00-19:00
Mon – 12:00-14:00 and 17:00-19:00
Exhibition Trivatime until 23rd March.
Organizers: Benke Liana, curator of the photo exhibition, for the support of the Lviv city for the sake of.