Новини культури

In Drohobych, the 210th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birthday was celebrated with a solemn assembly

On May 8, Drohobych honored the memory of Taras Shevchenko, the Ukrainian Kobzar, prophet and leader of the Ukrainian nation, whose works have been translated into hundreds of languages and remain prophetic and relevant to Ukrainians today.

Tomorrow, March 9, will mark the 210th anniversary of the birth of this outstanding Ukrainian who exemplified a man of genius and amazing strength of spirit. Until the age of 24, Shevchenko was a serf, but this did not stop him from studying, working, and above all loving Ukraine. This love guided him throughout his life and resulted in brilliant literary and artistic works that are admired around the world.

Today, a lot of people gathered at the monument to Kobzar in Drohobych, including residents and guests of the city, community leaders, clergy, and students of educational institutions.

The assembly began with a minute of mourning. Then the municipal chamber choir “Boyan Drohobych” performed the song “My thoughts, my thoughts…” (conducted by Volodymyr Ostash). Subsequently, a memorial service was held under the accompaniment of the clergy.

We gathered at the monument to our Moses, the prophet, the leader of our nation. Each of his words has great weight because it speaks to our minds. Reading Shevchenko, we can be thinking, intelligent, free people, we can be ourselves, we can preserve our faith, language, and culture. Therefore, along with the Holy Scriptures, every home should have Kobzar. And God grant that the words that Shevchenko bequeathed to us many years ago would be prophetic for us and lead us along the path of truth,” emphasized Father Dmytro Zamishchak.

After a short memorial service and a joint prayer, the mayor of Drohobych, Taras Kuchma, took the floor and emphasized the importance of distancing ourselves from enemy narratives and preserving our own, Ukrainian, heritage.

Unfortunately, we once gave many of our shrines into the hands of those who are now trampling on our land. We were too tolerant of the Russian language and their culture. We allowed them to impose something alien on us. Unfortunately, it took Ukrainians more than 30 years of independence, 10 years of war, and more than 2 years of full-scale war to realize that “there is a difference.” And Shevchenko told us about it back then. He spoke through his work, he spoke through his love for Ukraine. Therefore, we all must understand that it is not personal ambitions, but only love – for our land, for our people and for each other – that can help us build a strong nation,” said Taras Kuchma.

The event was concluded with the laying of flowers and Shevchenko’s “Testament” performed by the Boyan Drohobych Choir. The event was organized by Ulyana Voyat.

We remind you that tomorrow, March 9, at 16:00, the Ivan Franko National House will host a literary and artistic event dedicated to the 210th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko’s birth.


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