On Saturday, March 18, a presentation of two books will take place in Lviv – “Alphabet of Little Winners” and “Iron Evacuation”. Entrance to the presentation is free.
The first presentation will be held at 11:00 a.m. in the Lviv Regional Children’s Library “LEOTEKA” (1 Vinnichenka St.). “Alphabet of Little Winners” consists of poems for each letter of the alphabet by modern Ukrainian writers, such as: Ihor Pavlyuk, Sashko Dermanskyi, Taras Zavitaylo, Lesya Mudrak, Serhiy Pantyuk, Andriy Permyakov. The book is also illustrated with actual scenes from the life of Ukrainians by the artist Olena Zavitaylo.
The second presentation will take place at 16:00 at the Main Railway Station of Lviv (1 Dvirtseva Square). The presentation of the book “Iron Evacuation” will take place in the format of a documentary theater with the participation of the author Andrii Permyakov, Zinoviy Karacha, Tetyana Pylypets, Tamila Bursova and Lviv actors. The actors will read the documented stories of primary sources, which describe the war and evacuation experience and daily heroism of the “iron” people of the Ukrainian railway with the emotions of the characters and the author’s artistic view of each event.
Both books were published by the creative agency “Artil” and the charitable foundation “Library Country” with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.
Books will be given free of charge to all representatives of Lviv libraries present at the presentations.