The leadership of OVA and the architects of Belzka, Buzka and Dobrotvirsk communities discussed issues related to urban development and preservation of cultural heritage monuments.
In particular, it was about streamlining the provisions of the authorized bodies of architecture and urban planning of the above-mentioned territorial communities, their structure and staffing, fixing the functional duties of competent employees; the need to enter town-planning documentation into the town-planning cadastre, which ensures the legitimacy of such documents and the openness of data, as required by law.
Among other issues – the development of comprehensive plans for the spatial development of the territories of territorial communities; maintenance and filling of information systems: MBK, EDESSB, NIGD.
“During the meeting, we emphasized that the priority of territorial communities should now be the completion of the master plans that were started in the previous period, and the development of comprehensive spatial development plans. Their investment attractiveness in the near future depends on this. Moreover, the regional budget provides funds for the co-financing of this kind of urban planning documentation,” says Olena Vasylko, director of the department of architecture and development of urban planning of Lviv OVA.
During the meeting, the issue of preservation of cultural heritage was also discussed.
“Representatives of territorial communities often say that this year’s budget does not include expenses for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage sites. We understand that there is a full-scale war going on in the country and there is a list of priority areas of funding. But our heritage is also an important component of national security! That’s why we have to take care of it, especially in those cases when it comes to blocking monuments or other urgent problems that can destroy our cultural assets. We know that it is difficult for communities to find the necessary funds for emergency works at monuments, so we are ready to co-finance them,” adds Olena Vasylko.