In December, “Lvivavtodor” LKP, together with the Department of Mobility and Street Infrastructure of the Lviv Region and the Department of the Patrol Police of the Lviv Region, formed a list of 20 critical traffic light objects located in places of concentration of traffic accidents, which, in conditions of regular power outages, must first of all be ensured with uninterrupted operation.
Providing the above traffic lights with backup power costs millions of hryvnias, and if they are solar batteries, tens of millions. In the conditions of limited financial resources, LKP “Lvivavtodor” found an alternative, which it began to implement – the use of alternative energy sources from legal entities and individuals located within 1000 m of the necessary traffic light object. We are talking about enterprises, condominiums, gas stations, etc., which are provided with uninterrupted sources of electricity and are ready to share them with the traffic lights serving the enterprise.
Thus, as of today, 5 traffic light objects are already connected to backup power and work despite power outages:
• str. Naukova – str. Stryyska (alternative power source from the condominium)
• str. Customs – st. Lychakivska (alternative power source from a specially equipped parking lot on Valova St. that serves LKP “Lvivavtodor”)
• str. Bandery – st. Antonovych (alternative power source from Lvivteploenergo boiler plant)
• str. Sakharova – str. Gorbachevskiy (alternative power source from the Passenger Service Center of Lviv Railway Company “Lvivavtodor”)
• str. Sakharov – Vitovsky – Copernicus (alternative power source from “Lvivelectrotrans”)
“We are grateful for the help of the condominium “BARVINOK 47”, the utilities “Lvivteploenergo” and “Lvivelectrotrans”. We are doing everything we can in the current conditions to ensure smooth operation of traffic lights at complex intersections in conditions of limited funding. But let’s make the city more comfortable together. Therefore, our company is launching an initiative – help make the traffic light work, and your own area of the city safer: if you have the opportunity to help and connect the traffic light object to your alternative power source – call the number: 0 800 303 007″, – emphasizes the LKP “Lvivavtodor”.
Benefactors who will share their generators or other power sources with the traffic lights of Lvivavtodor LKP are promised a monthly parking pass in the II zone for the car of your choice as a gift.