It is planned to complete all the works by the end of May, including the III stage of the reconstruction on the section from Yatskova Street to Yaroslav the Wise Street.
All road signs and about a hundred anti-parking poles have already been installed on the section from Yatskova Street to Bortnyanskoho Street. It remains to lay the two upper layers of asphalt, arrange a bicycle path and a bicycle lane, contact network of the tram, lighting, road markings and make landscaping.
The installation of the central sewage collector has already been completed on the section from Bortnyanskyi Street to Yaroslav the Wise Street, but 4 houses still need to be connected to it. Next week, it is planned to start digging a trough for road clothing and a tram track.
Also, two entrances to the residential complexes “Riel” and “Semytsvit” have already been arranged, the tram track on the section from Yaroslav Mudryho Street to these complexes has been paved, but the middle and upper layers of asphalt on the carriageway of the road still need to be laid. The sidewalk from building No. 11 to building No. 15 of Shevchenko Street has already been paved, but paving tiles still need to be laid on the even side of the street.
“Lvivavtodor” confirms that the completion of all works and the full opening of the street to traffic is planned by the end of May.