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A batch of e-cigarettes was found on the border with Poland

An attempt to smuggle e-cigarettes was prevented at the Rava-Ruska checkpoint by border guards of the 7th Carpathian Border Guard Detachment upon preliminary information from operational officers.


A car Audi, carrying a resident of Lviv as a passenger, arrived at the border of Ukraine via the Green Corridor lane.

The woman did not report any goods that might be subject to declaration and taxation.

During the inspection of the vehicle, border guards together with Lviv customs officers found 625 pieces of disposable electronic cigarettes among the personal belongings in the luggage compartment. In foreign online stores, similar products are sold for about $35 each.

According to the 24-year-old woman, she was transporting the disposable e-cigarettes with the intention of selling them online.

Customs officers seized the cigarettes and drew up a report on violation of customs regulations.

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