Кримінальні події

In Lviv region, a serviceman promised to help a colleague get a disability certificate for $10,000. US dollars promised to help his colleague to obtain disability

For USD 10,000, he promised to help with disability registration – Lviv region exposes serviceman

Under the procedural supervision of the Specialised Defence Prosecutor’s Office in the Western Region, a 31-year-old platoon commander of a military unit was served a notice of suspicion of obtaining an unlawful benefit for himself or a third party for influencing the decision-making of a person authorised to perform state functions (Part 3 of Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, the senior lieutenant wanted to “help” his colleague to obtain a disability certificate for further dismissal from the army in exchange for money. To do this, he promised to influence the members of the military medical commission to make a decision. He estimated his services at USD 10 thousand.

The serviceman was detained while receiving a part of the USD 2,000 in illegal funds.

The issue of choosing a measure of restraint is currently being decided. The involvement of other persons in the crime is being checked.

The pre-trial investigation is being carried out by investigators of the Main Department of the National Police in Lviv region based on the materials of the SBU Office in Lviv region.

For reference: the sanction of the article provides for 3 to 8 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Note: in accordance with part one of Article 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is presumed innocent of committing a crime and shall not be subjected to criminal punishment until his or her guilt is proved in accordance with the law and established by a court verdict of guilty.

Press service of the Specialised Prosecutor’s Office

for the Defence of the Western Region

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