Cases of illegal launch of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) continue to be recorded in the Lviv region. Therefore, the Security Service of Ukraine warns about the ban on UAVs and light aircraft over Lviv and Lviv region.
The launch of UAVs and light aircraft is carried out exclusively with the approval of the Security Service of Ukraine in Lviv region.
“All unauthorized flights of unmanned aerial vehicles will be considered espionage and sabotage in favor of the enemy with all the ensuing consequences,” – said in a statement.
Please be informed that the requirements of paragraph 4 of section II of the Rules of Use of Airspace, namely – “flights of unmanned aircraft weighing up to 20 kg inclusive are performed without submitting applications and obtaining permits for the use of airspace” – during martial law do not apply.
Violators will be prosecuted under Articles 109-114 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for violating these requirements.