The perpetrator was exposed by operatives of the criminal police together with investigators and employees of other divisions of the Chervonohrad district police department, under the procedural guidance of the Chervonohrad district prosecutor’s office.
The law enforcement officers documented several facts of sale by the 37-year-old criminal, who had previously been criminally prosecuted for theft of narcotic substances from residents of the Chervonohrad district, and on January 25 detained him in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine immediately after he sold “amphetamine” to another “client”. .
Today, January 26, the investigators informed the perpetrator of suspicion of criminal offenses provided for in part 1, part 2 of article 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, forwarding or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum penalty that threatens the suspect is imprisonment for a term of up to ten years with confiscation of property.
The pre-trial investigation is ongoing, the law enforcement officers will request that the suspect be remanded in custody.
Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police