Кримінальні події

In Lviv region, an entrepreneur laundered UAH 500,000 by registering his business using fake documents

A Lviv resident registered as an individual entrepreneur with forged documents and legalised funds received from fictitious activities – he will be tried

Prosecutors of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office have sent to court an indictment against a 39-year-old Lviv resident. He is accused of using forged documents, committing illegal actions with other means of access to bank accounts with the aim of using them, submitting documents containing false information for state registration of an individual entrepreneur and money laundering (Part 4 of Article 358, Part 1 of Article 200, Part 1 of Article 205-1, Part 1 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The investigation established that the accused submitted forged documents with fictitious personal data to the SMS authorities to issue an allegedly lost passport. At the same time, he attached his photo to the fake documents.

Subsequently, using the same scheme, he received an identification code and a passport for travelling abroad. Thus, all information on the documents was entered into the relevant state registers.

In addition, the man registered as an individual entrepreneur using forged documents for a fictitious person. He also later opened accounts in banking institutions to carry out his illegal business activities.

At the same time, one of the accounts of the fictitious individual entrepreneur received funds from the alleged business activity of selling goods (providing services). In total, it was over UAH 500 thousand. Subsequently, the accused transferred the proceeds of crime to other bank accounts, thus legalising them.

The pre-trial investigation was conducted by the BES detectives in Lviv region.

Note: In accordance with Art. 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is presumed innocent of committing a crime and shall not be subjected to criminal punishment until his or her guilt is proved by law and established by a court verdict of guilty.

Information Policy Department

of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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