“Where to get money for a micro- and small agricultural producer in wartime?”. It was under this name that the meeting of the representatives of the APR department of the Lviv OVA with the farmers of the Zolochiv district took place.
During the meeting, the director of the department of agro-industrial development of the OVA, Tetyana Hetman, informed the producers of agricultural products about the possibilities of attracting financial resources from budgets of all levels and from international technical assistance projects.
“Because of the war, logistics and sales markets have changed, and many farmers have questions about how to survive in such conditions and where to get funds to keep their business going. Today, financial support is available for farmers in the form of grant programs for business development at the expense of the state budget and international organizations. It is possible to receive financial support from the regional budget within the framework of the Comprehensive Program for the Support and Development of Agriculture in the Lviv Region for 2021-2025, for which UAH 34.2 million was allocated in 2023,” Tetyana Hetman said.
Also within the scope of the event, the deputy head of the department – the head of the department for the development of agrarian infrastructure, land relations, Tetyana Borushok, informed the audience about the latest changes in the land legislation. The chief state inspector of the Buska Department of Taxes and Fees for Legal Entities Serhiy Rybas with changes in tax legislation.
The deputy director of the department introduced the new Procedure for the reservation of conscripts according to the list of conscripts during martial law, as well as the Procedure and Criteria for determining enterprises, institutions and organizations that are critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population in a special period – Oksana Bakun, Head of the Department of Food and Rural Development.
She also noted that the order of the head of the regional military administration No. 101/0/5-23BA dated 28.02.2023 and the order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy No. 223 dated 21.02.2023 (with changes) approved additional criteria for determining enterprises, institutions and organizations that are critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population in a special period.
During the meeting, the agrarians of the district learned about lending programs from JSC “Oschadbank”, which were presented by the manager of TVBV 65 of the Lviv regional office of JSC “Oschadbank” Roman Savchuk. In addition, they had the opportunity to receive information from the deputy head of the employment policy implementation department of the Lviv Regional Employment Center, Ruslana Paliy, about the possibilities of financial stimulation of business entities for employment of certain categories of the population.
The representatives of the Department of Inspection Activities in the Lviv Region of the Western Interregional Department of the State Service on Labor Affairs familiarized themselves with the conditions for observing labor safety during spring field work and the features of the organization of labor relations between the employer and the employee under martial law.