In view of the deputies’ requests, the session of Chervonogradsk for the sake of the city, for the sake of it, began its work, as it did at Thursday, on the 20th of July. Since then, the head of the Moscow Financial Department, Lesya Sementukh, announced the main budget indicators of the Chervonograd Moscow Territorial Community for the month-spring of 2022 and the decision to change the project to the budget for 2022.
Vahovuchi vykonannya planned pokaznikiv for 9 months of in-line rock more lower by 105%, it was proposed to increase the plan of income of the mortgage fund to the budget of the community by 35 405 800 hryvnia. Dodatkovo for the sweat Repair Dorig was hidden 2,519,000 UAH, for the tangle of the form of form for DFTG Vidіnilo 1 102 600 UAH, to purchase an izydual zachist, the vidille of the vidilatit of 1,500,000 UAH, BLILSH PILITYA. parts of TO910. And the sports complex “Shakhtar” for the reconstruction of the internal water supply systems, water supply and heating of the water bowl of the pool with the method of timchas placement of internal-moving equipment in the premises of the sports complex was allocated 5,500,000 UAH.
On top of that, according to the project decision, 7,462,500 hryvnias were seen to be completed, including 5,760,000 for the delivery of three school buses.
Sosnіvskіy mіskіy lіkarnі was praised for directing 2,776,200 hryvnias, including 1,108,000 hryvnias for the provision of a diesel generator and 1,000,000 hryvnias for a major overhaul of the repossession of the main building for temporary accommodation of the HPE. Additive costs are taken away and Chervonohrad town likarnya, zocrema 5 000 000 UAH for the reconstruction of the priymalny vіddіlennya.
Moreover, 1 000 000 hryvnias were transferred to the area for the lining of mobile heating points. After the discussion, amendments and additional changes to the budget were confirmed.
The deputies voted for seeing a one-time penny aid for a total sum of 150,000 UAH to our defenders for the success of being injured as a result of the military aggression of the Russian Federation, as well as 172,000 UAH was transferred to see the people who fell in the folded living quarters.
Obviously, prior to the filing of the application, the deputies voted for the completion of the renewal of Vasyl Simchuk’s community.
At the hour of the meeting of the session, the city council also made changes to its decision on 9.12.2021. No. 953, it’s a good idea to take away children, the fathers of which are called to military service. On top of that, the deputies voted for new prices for food in the sanctuaries in 2023. So, at the mortgages of the central middle education, the number of hours of eating is 1 school per day: for schools at night 6 – 11 years – up to 44.50 UAH, for schools at night 11 – 14 years – up to 49.50 UAH, for schools at night 14 – 18 years – 54.50 UAH.
Variety of eating at the beginnings of preschool education is becoming: for children for 1 to 4 years – up to 75.00 UAH, for children for 4 to 6 (7) years of age up to – 98.00 UAH.