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Lviv region is seeking leadership positions, which will receive a micro-grant for the creation or development of business

The Lviv region has recently been the first to accept a number of participants in the regional “Vlasna on the Right” program, which receives a micro-grant for the creation and development of business. These are the results of the State Employment Center, having reviewed the documents of applicants from the approval of the remaining changes made before the Procedure for issuing microgrants for the creation or development of government businesses, which affect the limit on the amount of funding for applications, praises within one period.

It is possible that, based on the decisions of the Children’s Center of Law, the cost of scaling up the government’s activities will result in 308 applicants from the Lviv region. They employ 235 private entrepreneurs, 15 legal entities and 58 businessmen-employees, which create 634 work places.

The majority of physical characteristics and employees are women (155 individuals). About 84% of the program participants have recently achieved higher education, 14% have completed a specialized secondary education (technical school, college). Almost half of the applicants are to conduct or open a business in the Lviv community (145 subjects of government activity), 37 – to gain power from the right at Stryisky, 35 – at Drogobitsky, 28 – at Sambirsky, 2 5 – at Zolochivsky, 20 – at Chervonogradsky and 18 – at Yavoriv region.

Grant recipients selected the following types of activities: cattle/gross trade and vehicle repairs (30%), timely accommodation and food organization (19%), industrial processing (17%), health care and social assistance (8%), other types of services (7%), professional scientific and technical activities (4%).

The plan is for 1,225 participants in the “Vlasna on the Right” program, whose business plans were reviewed by the LOCZ commission, to withdraw a maximum of 290 million UAH and create 2,571 work places.

You can still submit an application for participation in the program of the government project “eRobot” until November 19, 2023 through the “Action” portal. Consultations on this nutrition are available from the departments of the regional employment service (addresses – please contact http://surl.li/jpvpt) and for tel.: +380966825183. Details – here https://bit.ly/3AU90ic.

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