Applications for participation in the project have already been submitted by 900 educational institutions of the region.
SELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the Use of Innovative Educational Technologies) is a free, easy-to-use online tool for self-assessment of educational institutions, aimed at helping to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative digital technologies in the educational process, as well as find out at which stage of digital development the educational institution is.
The other day, an organizational online meeting of educators took place with the coordinator of the SELFIE project, the director of the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Margarita Noskova, because the project is being implemented on the basis of the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University.
The implementation of SELFIE in Lviv Oblast aims to objectively assess the level of digitization of education in the region; to contribute to the digital transformation of general secondary education institutions, professional (vocational-technical) education institutions, and vocational pre-university education institutions; create favorable conditions for the formation of a digital educational environment of the region built taking into account the needs and capabilities of educational institutions and participants in the educational process.
Institutions are evaluated in 8 areas:
- infrastructure and equipment;
- Certification training;
- teaching and learning;
- assessment;
- digital competence of students;
- leadership and others.
The implementation of the project will begin with the training of coordinators of educational institutions, which will take place in two stages.
The first stage of training will start on January 30. Coordinators of institutions will familiarize themselves with the tool, acquire practical skills in its use, and also understand the essence of conducting a survey.
Further, the coordinators will prepare the institutions for conducting the survey and will directly moderate it. The active phase of the survey will begin at the beginning of February and will last until April 6. Institutions will receive reports with the results of the survey by May 1.
The second stage of training will be devoted to the analysis of the obtained results and planning of the further work of the educational institution. Intermediate results of SELFIE implementation are planned to be presented at an educational conference in August. In the future, work with SELFIE will not be stopped, and at the end of the next academic year, a repeat survey will be conducted, which will allow to assess the dynamics of changes. The project will be completed in June 2024.
We would like to remind you that in 2021, the project was piloted on the basis of ZZSO of Lviv Oblast and vocational education institutions of 5 oblasts.
More than 20,000 participants took part in the piloting of SELFIE in Ukraine:
17 thousand 303 students;
2 thousand 996 teachers;
546 heads of educational institutions.
Today, Lviv Oblast is the only region of Ukraine that has the opportunity to implement the SELFIE tool on such a large scale.
You can join the project now.
The project is aimed at institutions of general secondary, professional (vocational-technical) or pre-professional higher education in the Lviv region. The age of the participants is from 10 years and older.
To register, you should fill out the form at the link:
For reference:
The SELFIE online tool does not measure or compare users’ knowledge or skills, nor does it evaluate or compare educational institutions. It is used only for self-analysis of the state of digitization and the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in a specific educational institution.
The tool is available in 24 official languages of the European Union and 7 languages of other countries, since 2017 it has been implemented in all EU member states.