In January-August this year, 23.8 thousand residents of the region used the intermediary services of the Lviv Regional Employment Service to find a job, which is 750 people less than in the same period last year. The service provided jobs to 10.3 thousand people, including 7.2 thousand unemployed.
Temporary employment involved 3.7 thousand residents of the Lviv region, of whom 0.9 thousand performed public and other temporary work, and 2.7 thousand performed socially useful work.
At the direction of the Employment Service, 3.6 thousand unemployed people underwent vocational training or retraining. The training was organised in such relevant professions as seamstress, boiler room operator, food seller, sales clerk, hairdresser, manicurist, etc.
A voucher to maintain competitiveness in the labour market was given to 1.2 thousand people. Among the specialties in which residents of the region aged 45+, IDPs, combatants and people with disabilities decided to improve their professional competence, the dominant ones were pre-school education, psychology and nursing. In terms of blue-collar occupations, the most popular courses were for drivers of motor vehicles, forklift drivers, and boiler operators.
During the first eight months of this year, 5.8 thousand business entities entrusted the employment service with the search for potential employees, and they reported 31.7 thousand vacancies and vacant positions. Another 7.0 thousand vacancies were collected from other sources.
In the first days of September, 3.8 thousand unemployed people needed help in finding a job. The vacancy database contained 15.2 thousand job offers, of which 11.6 thousand were from local firms and companies, and 3.6 thousand were collected from other sources. Thus, on average, there were 4 vacancies per unemployed person in the Lviv region.
As of 01.09.2024, the average salary indicated in the vacancies declared by employers was UAH 13.8 thousand, which is UAH 2.0 thousand more than in the same period last year.
Lviv Regional Employment Centre