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Six veterans and their family members will receive funds from the city for business development

A photography studio, anti-shock films, a volunteer service station, eco-initiatives and even a rehabilitation center for veterans – with such business initiatives, veterans and their relatives applied for a competition to receive business vouchers from the Lviv City Council.

Based on the results of the competition, 6 projects – 4 from veterans and 2 from veterans’ wives – will receive voucher assistance of up to 300,000 hryvnias.

Starting from August 14, 2023, applications for the business voucher competition for veterans, their wives and husbands continued for a month.

As reported in the Department of Economy of the Lviv City Council, the tender commission received 9 applications to receive a business voucher. However, among the submitted projects, 3 did not meet the competition criteria.

Therefore, according to the results of the rating evaluation, the competition commission decided to support the participants with the following projects:

• a veteran with the project “Veteran studio of subject shooting “Flash”;

• the wife of a veteran with the project “Anti-impact films for strengthening windows”;

• a veteran with the “Scented Berry” project;

• a veteran with the “Landscaping Care” project;

• the wife of a veteran with the “Rehabilitation Center for Military and Veterans” project;

• a veteran with the “Lviv Voluntary Service Station” project.

As a reminder, the business voucher can be used for:

purchase of equipment, raw materials, materials, components;

rent of premises and means of transport necessary for the implementation of one’s business project;

purchase of licensed software;

training and consulting on starting and running a business.

Voucher repayment is subject to state registration of the applicant as a subject of economic activity of an individual entrepreneur (if the applicant did not have such a status at the time of submitting the application) in accordance with the order of the city mayor based on supporting documents about the implementation of the project.

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