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In Lviv, the cost of heat for households does not change

The cost of heat for households will not change: the executive committee has approved the tariff for heat production from alternative sources

Today, on August 13, the executive committee of Lviv City Council approved the decision “On setting tariffs for heat production at plants using alternative energy sources by Lvivteploenergo”. As Oleksandr Odynets, director of Lvivteploenergo, explained, the decision will not affect the tariffs for heat and hot water for the population.

“First of all, since the beginning of the war, the state has been imposing a moratorium on raising tariffs for heat and hot water for households. Secondly, the decision refers to the establishment of a tariff for heat production for 4 boiler houses in which Lvivteploenergo has installed heat pumps. Therefore, the costs incurred for the production of thermal energy from these facilities will be different than when they were operating on gas.

And according to the current legislation, we had to separate this out and calculate how much the heat produced by these boiler houses using heat pumps costs. That is, to establish the tariff for heat at these facilities. We did this – we calculated the tariff, posted the relevant announcement on our website, and then the Executive Committee approved these figures.

But I must emphasize that this decision will in no way affect the tariff for heat and hot water for the population. Everything will remain as it was,” explained Oleksandr Odynets.

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