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In Yavoriv region, women weave camouflage nets

“Своєю працею, ми робимо свій особистий внесок в перемогу”

Residents of the Popovytsky boarding school in the Shehyniv Territorial Community weave camouflage nets for our soldiers who are defending the Ukrainian land from the enemy.

Every day, women gather and with love and warmth weave camouflage nets, which are then transferred to the front lines for the defenders of Ukraine. “Weaving camouflage nets is tedious manual work. However, no one complains.

On the contrary: people are happy that they can help the defenders, because thanks to camouflage they save their lives and hide from the enemy what he should not see. With our work, we make our personal contribution to the victory of Ukraine. “Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the Heroes!” – residents of the boarding school share

Together to victory!

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