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Over the weekend, Lviv Oblast firefighters made 15 trips to extinguish fires

Emergency workers saved 8 buildings. As a result of the occupation, one person was injured

The fire happened in the village. Sycamores of the Sambir region in a brick residential building. The fire destroyed the roof on an area of 80 square meters, and the ceiling on an area of 8 square meters was damaged. As a result of the fire, a man, born in 1963, received burns, who was hospitalized with medium-severe burns in the 8th City Clinical Hospital of Lviv. Saved: a residential building and an outbuilding.

At the same time, rescue workers remind us of the importance of following fire safety rules in our everyday life. These simple tips can keep us safe from fires and hazards:
• do not smoke in bed;
• monitor the condition and serviceability of the power grid;
• when leaving the premises, do not leave TVs, irons, heaters, etc. on;
• do not leave minor children unattended, and do not allow them to play with matches;
• try to avoid overloading electrical networks, do not turn on high-power household electrical consumers at the same time.

Let’s take care of ourselves and our loved ones, take care of safety and health, and rescuers will always be nearby, ready to help in difficult situations.

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