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Honey cookies were made for our defenders in the Chervonograd city library

Pupils of the NGO “Nika” and library employees joined the participation.

The finished cookies were baked in the local pizzeria “Il Padrino” and, together with children’s drawings, were sent to the military.

It should be noted that the members of the “Nika” organization are vulnerable families in which young persons with disabilities of groups 1, 2, and 3 have been raised since childhood. However, the members of the organization actively help the military.

In particular, thanks to sub-grants from Inclusion Europe to support people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Ukraine who suffered from the war, as well as from the All-Ukrainian public organization “Coalition for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities due to Intellectual Disabilities”, more than 300 Ukrainian flags were sewn and sent to the front and kitchen towels.

Instead, the soldiers of the 24th OMBR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine presented a flag with signatures and words of gratitude.

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