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At Lvov pravokhorontsi caught the evildoer, who robbed “bookmarks” in the area of the High Castle

For skoєne 20-rychny sack of the Lvіvskiy district I threaten the punishment – pardoning the will on the lines up to ten years with the confiscation of the lane

1 pm close to 19.00 on Zamkoviy Street near Lviv, a sleeping patrol of police officers of the Lviv regional police department No. 1 and military servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine is serviced I have revealed a suspected person, who, having succumbed to the rights of the right-wingers, has dabbled in the flow.

At the local level, a sergeant-operational group of the territorial division of the police worked. A person of the passerby was installed – he was a 20-year-old bagman from the Lviv region, who himself created the “bookmarks” of speech, similar to the psychotropic zasib “PVP”.

With him, a man took 18 packaged bags with fenced speeches, so the right-wing guards showed those “mortgages”, like wines, they made it earlier.

On top of that, after an hour of inconspicuous scrutiny for the place of the villain’s residence, the policemen revealed and uttered speeches similar to “amphetamine” and “PVP”, electronic vagi, supply for packaging and other speech evidence. The mustache has not been checked by an expert.

The evildoer of jamming in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, the following reported that you were suspected of a criminal offense committed under part 2 of Article 307 nya chi zbut narcotic drugs, psychotropic speeches or їх analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum punishment, the transfer of the sanction of the statute – the release of the will on lines up to ten years with the confiscation of the lane.

Dosudov rozslіduvannya trivaє, nevdovzі court ober pіdozryuvanomu zahіd.

Conducted communications of the police of Lviv region

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