Andriy Zakalyuk, the head of the department of lighting of the LMR, at his young age, rozpovіv about the work of the lighting room in the future, zokrem about those, which can be a form of training in times of interruption of light.
“For the first time, our country has recognized massive missile strikes from the side of Russia. And tse vіdobrazhaєtsya on the robots of our mortgages. In some schools, it could not be light for a decade, in some kindergartens it could be convenient to organize three meals a day, for those who cook on electricity, and if there is no light for a long time, it’s easy to grow. The deyakі school could for a long time be without scorching.
We ask you to rozumіnnyam to whom you can see. As a matter of fact, as the school will not have light for a long time, we will ask you to switch to a remote form of education, so that the children will be safe and warm,” Andriy Zakalyuk, head of the LMR lighting department.
For this reason, this day also provided a lot of training for practitioners of education, how to conduct a Center for the development of pedagogical practitioners. The Department of Lighting has released its first light podcast, which will make you want to listen to it. And also the schools have completed collecting their own creatures to become the symbols of their logos during the school leagues for sports.