The Lviv Regional Center Invites to an Environmental Education Contest
The Lviv Regional Council’s communal institution ‘Lviv Regional Center for Ecological and Naturalistic Creativity of Student Youth’ invites to participate in the regional stage of the All-Ukrainian contest ‘Earth is Our Common Home’ on the theme: ‘We Are of the Same Courage!’
Conditions for Participation in the Contest
The contest is open to teams of ecological education from general secondary and extracurricular education institutions of the region, consisting of 7 members: 6 students (participants) aged 11 to 17 and a team leader.
- a video presentation of the team’s eco-educational and environmental protection activities (duration up to 5 minutes);
- a video recording of the contest performance revealing the contest theme – ‘We Are of the Same Courage!’ (duration up to 20 minutes).
Application Deadline
Participants must by April 1:
- fill out the application at the link: https://forms.gle/mRXYTFHT19xPP9y78
- send links to video materials with open access, a performance script (Word document, format doc, docx), and a team photo to the email: natalia.dendiuk@locentum.com.ua with the note ‘Earth is Our Common Home.’
Eco-center Locentum
Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Regional State Administration