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In the Sokal region, teachers are implementing an international project for children who, because of the war, are forced to catch up on educational programs

Проєкт реалізує МГО «Інститут Суспільних Ініціатив» спільно з Tech StartUp School за сприяння Представництва Дитячого фонду ООН (ЮНІСЕФ) в Україні.

The project “Return to formal and informal teaching and learning in the community for students and adolescents, including IDPs, is being implemented in seven western regions of Ukraine. Bridging educational gaps through learning: trainings for teachers and sessions for schoolchildren (grades 5-9) in seven western regions. The participants underwent trainings that will help them identify gaps in schoolchildren’s education and make up for the school curriculum (Lviv, Volyn, Rivne, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zakarpattia).

In total, 21 two-day trainings for teachers of the Ukrainian language, English language and mathematics were held during June – August.

дітки з Сокальщини, які беруть участь у проєкті
дітки з Сокальщини, які беруть участь у проєкті

The participants of the trainings discussed the factors of formation of educational losses, mechanisms of interest of schoolchildren to study and develop thinking, understanding of schoolchildren’s importance in their formation. They also studied methods of self-examination during compensation for educational losses and effective tools for supporting the psycho-emotional state of children.

In Western Ukraine, internally displaced children and children from the host community are suffering from the lingering effects of the pandemic and ongoing emergency and are experiencing significant challenges in terms of quality of education and access to formal and non-formal education. School students, especially IDPs, show signs of significant knowledge gaps that may negatively affect their current and future academic performance.

The project is aimed at solving the problems of children and adolescents in the western regions of Ukraine, including IDPs and those who have lost full access to quality education.

In the Sokal Region, the teachers of the Sokal School of Secondary Education, Grade 2 Sulima N.Ya., Balandyuk Z.Z. began to implement this project. and Vinnyk O.V.

More than 100 children have already become active participants in the project and with inspiration and enthusiasm attend additional classes in English and mathematics to improve their knowledge.

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