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Educational institutions of Drohobych territorial community will not be closed for quarantine

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In Lviv region, there are high rates of acute respiratory diseases. Over the past few weeks, the number of patients has been growing at a steady high rate in Drohobych.

Thus, according to Volodymyr Chuba, head of the health department at Drohobych City Council, at the end of last week, 320 people were diagnosed with ARVI and influenza. Of these, 105 cases were among people aged 60+, and 87 cases were detected among preschool and school children aged 5-14. However, this picture of the incidence is not complete, as not all patients seek medical care and undergo examinations.

According to the Department of Education of the DMC, the community’s educational institutions monitor the incidence of ARVI and influenza on a daily basis. If more than 20% of children are absent, a decision must be made to switch to remote learning for a period of 7 to 10 days.

The Drohobych Education Department notes that currently, no educational institution in the Drohobych territorial community has exceeded the child morbidity rates. There are some classes where 1-2 sick children are added, while those who have already been ill go to school. In two schools of the territorial community, there are one or two classes where the incidence rate is almost at the limit. So, the education department recommended that these classes switch to distance learning for a few days to break the chain of morbidity among students.

The situation with the city’s kindergartens is similar. Currently, no preschool institution has exceeded the threshold of morbidity among children.

We would like to add that this year’s epidemic season is characterized by type A flu. Among its complications, the most commonly detected in patients are severe pneumonia, high body temperature that cannot be brought down by any medication, and nosebleeds. This is especially true for children. According to the city’s doctors, all patients with the first signs of the disease: body aches, fever, headaches, and others – should seek help from family doctors and not self-medicate.


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