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Kindergartens in Lviv are looking for employees: list of vacancies

The Department of Education of the Lviv City Council is looking for workers in kindergartens. There are a lot of vacancies in different areas of the city, so those willing to work will find a job that suits them best.

As of today, there are the following vacancies in preschool institutions of Lviv MTG:

· educator;

· teacher’s assistant;

· teacher’s assistant;

· teacher-speech therapist;

· physical education instructor;

· practical psychologist;

· music director;

· medical nurse/brother.

Find all details of vacancies, contacts and addresses of kindergartens at the link: https://bit.ly/3JB5mh7

We remind you that there is a bank of educational resumes in Lviv for those who want to work in the field of education in the city. You can leave your resume here: https://forms.gle/BFfEeU2Wm7a4f6zZ9

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