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Chervonohrad wants to use grant funds to purchase autonomous power supplies for schools

The Executive Committee of the Chervonohrad City Council will take part in the “Community for One Hundred Percent” competition with the idea of a project called “EcoPower: School without Interruptions”, which involves the purchase of 21 EcoFlows with a capacity of 4096 Watt hours for educational institutions.

This autonomous unit can simultaneously power devices that require more than 4000 watts, such as an electric boiler, water heater, water pumps and computer equipment.

If our community’s project is approved by the expert jury, online voting will take place from 14 October to 10 November, during which 20 best community projects will be selected, and another 20 will be selected by the expert jury. In total, the competition will include four stages of selection of participants and will last until 21 February 2025.

Link to the competition terms and conditions: https://decentralization.ua/news/18565

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