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In the Chervonohrad community, they want to introduce electronic magazines and diaries in schools

Запровадження електронних журналів та щоденників в навчальних закладах громади - вимога часу

The issue of introducing e-magazines and e-diaries in educational institutions of the Chervonograd territorial community was discussed at the educational board held in the Chervonograd Lyceum.

According to the Deputy Mayor of Chervonograd, Taras Tyrk, digitization (introduction of e-magazines and e-diaries) cannot be carried out for the sake of formality.

“We do not have the right to digitize for the sake of digitization. The introduction of electronic services should occur only when the following 2 conditions are met:

The introduction of relevant services will bring at least 1 of 3 real results:

– simplification of processes for teachers;

– improving students’ academic performance and preparation for classes by providing an effective control tool for parents;

– improvement of class attendance (who has problems with this).

The initiative must come from parents and be supported by the school administration.

If parents and students express a desire, and for certain objective or subjective reasons the school management does not have the opportunity to implement these electronic systems, our task will be to find out the essence of the problem and help solve it,” said Taras Tyrko.

In the Chervonohrad community, some educational institutions already have positive experience of parallel work in both paper and electronic form, or have launched these systems in test mode, familiarized themselves with the functionality.

Volodymyr Riznyk, a teacher of informatics at the Chervonograd Lyceum and consultant of the Center for Professional Development of Pedagogical Workers, noted that there are several main developers of electronic educational information systems with e-journal functions, in particular, the “New Knowledge” portal, with which Lviv region closely cooperates. In addition, recently the President personally presented the “Dream” educational platform, which also includes the necessary functionality. All data from e-magazines and e-diaries are protected, they are stored and duplicated on the services of the developers and the Ministry of Education and Science.

Such platforms enable the administration of the institution, teachers to create electronic journals, quickly draw up a schedule of classes, assign grades, conduct distance learning, informatively display all data in the form of diagrams, create the institution’s own website, contribute to the automatic creation of internal reporting, printing journals, report cards, reports, etc. .

Therefore, thanks to the implementation of the e-magazine and e-diary, parents will have the opportunity to find out how their children are studying, check the diary, the report card, view the class schedule, choose the form of education, have access to the online library of the Ministry of Education and Culture, and also, which is no less important , to receive timely information from teachers about the child’s absence from class.

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