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Which schools in Lviv were hit by rockets and when children will be able to return to their desks


As a result of the enemy attack last night in Lviv, 5 schools (one of them private) and 2 creative centres were damaged. In the schools, 268 windows and 100 doors were smashed, and three roofs were damaged. In creative centres, 29 windows and 2 doors were damaged.

According to the city education department, the following educational institutions were damaged:

  • Arnika Elementary School – 40 windows;
  • Lviv Art Lyceum – 2 windows and the roof was damaged;
  • Zaliznychnyi District Children’s and Youth Centre – 20 windows and 1 door, part of the fence was damaged;
  • Bilingual International STEM School – 20 windows in full and 10 windows in part, 4 doors and the ceiling in three classrooms;
  • Lyceum No. 5 – 74 windows, 49 doors, damaged staircase and roof;
  • Lyceum no. 17 – 122 windows, 47 doors and a gate;
  • Veselka Creative Centre – 9 windows and 1 door.

“As for the city schools, tomorrow the children of Arnika, the Art Lyceum and Lyceum No. 17 will return to their desks. By tomorrow, we will have cleaned up everything and covered the broken windows with film, so the classes will be held offline. We have questions about lyceum No. 5, as the building is more seriously damaged, so we will inform you about the education of these students later,” said Andriy Zakalyuk, head of the education department of the Lviv City Council.

As a reminder, the enemy launched a combined attack on Lviv with rockets and shaheds at 5am today. As a result of the attack, 154 houses were damaged. Residents of six houses will have to be relocated.

Seven people died, including children. Another 64 residents needed medical assistance, including 8 children. Seven patients are in critical condition.

Five educational institutions, two art centres, two medical institutions, and the Church of St George the Victorious on Chernivetska Street were destroyed.

Tomorrow, 5 September, has been declared the Day of Mourning for the victims of the Russian attack.

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