More than 25 collectives of the region performed carols, congratulated and led nativity scenes.
Today, January 7, a special atmosphere prevailed on the square near the monument to T. Shevchenko in Lviv, because the regional festival of Ukrainian winter folklore “New joy has become” took place here. It is held for the second year in a row.
Approximately 25 artistic and amateur choir groups of the region took part in the festival. The participants sang carols, congratulated, carried nativity scenes, Malanka, Goat and glorified the newborn Jesus.
Also, during the concert, there was an exhibition of Christmas stars and works of folk art masters.
“Today we have gathered here to glorify the newborn Jesus Christ. Ukraine is a very strong nation. A nation that is very rich in its traditions. Let love, well-being and abundance, comfort and mutual understanding always reign in your homes. Good health to all of us. Let’s remember that the right to celebrate like this and the right to have these traditions is not guaranteed, we choose it, so I want to thank all our defenders who defend our borders and thanks to whom we can gather here.
Glory to our heroes! Glory to Ukraine!”, said Oleksandr Kulepin, Deputy Chairman for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitalization.
Such events are organized for the spiritual enrichment of city residents and guests, revival and preservation of customs, traditions of the winter cycle of holidays, popularization and approval of folk poetry and song and music culture.
The festival is organized by the Department for Culture, Nationalities and Religions. Also a co-organizer is the Educational and Methodological Center of Culture and Arts of the Lviv region.
For reference:
The festival of Ukrainian winter folklore “New joy has become” is timed to Rozkolyada – the final stage of the Christmas holidays. After the feasts of Epiphany and John the Baptist, the Christmas carols, christenings, and nativity scenes come to an end. Christmas carolers, nativity scenes, choirs, and just residents from different parts of the community gather at Rozkolyada and all together, they carol en masse, give generously, congratulate, “lead the Goat” and “malign”. And all this happens loud, fun, a lot.
The festival is a meeting place for residents and guests of the region, who celebrate Christmas as a big family! These are Ukrainian traditions, carols, open-air nativity scenes, various folk entertainments: “Malanka”, “Goat Driving…”, a festive warm atmosphere, as well as a panorama of the best Christmas crafts of folk craftsmen.