On the Epiphany, they fill the pine tree with apples. Then, the entire village carries the festive tree with lanterns to the church for consecration, and then to the local people’s house for auction. The collected funds are donated to charity.
Apples from the bottom of the tree are the cheapest, those from above are more expensive. The apple with the top is the most valued. In Husakov, they assure that giving a girl an apple from the top is the same as getting married. The appearance of the tradition is connected with the legend. A famous artist once visited Husakov and fell in love with a local beauty. The girl also liked him. But the certification did not take place, because the young man was engaged to another woman. Shortly before the Jordanian holidays, he returned home.
The girl from Husakov missed her lover very much. She went out into the garden and began to pray, asking God for a miracle. Locals say that the Lord heard her pleas. Already in the morning, the parishioners, going to the church to get holy water, saw a pine tree in the garden amidst the snow, and there were many red apples on it. The townspeople fell to their knees. The whole village came to see the miracle, and then they took a pine tree with apples and carried it to the church for the priest to consecrate.