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Lviv region and Indonesia plan to cooperate in the energy sector

Cooperation in the energy sector between Lviv and Indonesia, implementation of joint economic initiatives, educational exchanges of students and presentation of the best examples of the culture of the two countries.

This was discussed today, on 10 June, during a meeting between the acting head of the Lviv Regional Council, Yuriy Kholod, and the first deputy head of the Lviv Regional State Administration, Andriy Godik, and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indonesia to Ukraine, Arif Muhammad Basalama.

At the beginning of the visit, the Ambassador voiced the political position of the Indonesian government, which supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

“Indonesia plans to continue to provide humanitarian support to Ukrainians and to cooperate in the future in the context of Ukraine’s reconstruction,” said Arif Muhammad Basalama.

Yuriy Kholod thanked Indonesia for its cooperation in the agricultural sector, in particular in the export of grain from Ukraine.

“This is one of the components of the Ukrainian economy, and the proceeds from grain exports are also used to purchase everything our army needs.

The energy sector is also a priority for us, and we are ready to develop its humanitarian and business areas.

It is important for us to develop the economy and support business, create joint ventures and new enterprises to further deepen our cooperation,” said Yuriy Kholod.

During his visit to Lviv region, the Ambassador will also take part in the opening of the banner exhibition “Indonesia through the lens”, which will take place on 11 June in the Italian courtyard of the Lviv Regional Council’s municipal institution “Lviv Historical Museum”. The exhibition is dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Indonesia on 11 June 1992.

“I am extremely pleased that the anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries will be celebrated in Lviv.

In the future, we propose to organise an exhibition of Lviv Historical Museum exhibits in Indonesia,” said Yurii Kholod. t

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