As part of the all-Ukrainian decommunization Chervonohrad City Council decided to rename some streets of the community
In order to study the opinion of residents, we ask you to suggest new names for the streets of Popovych, Pushkin, May 9, Gagarin, Kuzma Pelekhaty, Ostrovsky.
Suggestions for new street names write in the comments under the electronic consultation https://consult.e-dem.ua/consultations/397 or fill out the attached questionnaire and send it to info@chg.gov.ua
Also search for the form at https://docs.google.com/…/1A…/edit
In addition, we invite you to discuss the feasibility of renaming other streets, the decision to rename which has not yet been made – Korolyova, Sakharov, Gogol.
Vote for the expediency of renaming:
▶ str. Korolyova in Chervonohrad – https://consult.e-dem.ua/polls/456
▶ str. Gogol in Chervonohrad – https://consult.e-dem.ua/polls/457
▶ str. Sakharov in the village. Miner – https://consult.e-dem.ua/polls/458
Proposals for street names will be discussed at a conference to be held on May 3 at 18:00 in the Central City Library (11 S. Bandera Street). Local historians, literary critics, local historians and city residents are invited to public discussions.