On February 9, a regular meeting of the commission on de-Russification measures and renaming and assigning names to streets, alleys, parks, and squares within the boundaries of the Drohobych urban territorial community was held. The main item on the commission’s agenda was the renaming of Miru and Peremoha streets in the villages of the Drohobych community.
We remind you that all decisions are made in compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Condemnation of Communist and National Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes in Ukraine and Prohibition of Propaganda of Their Symbols.” Name proposals are worked out by the commission, involving the opinions of local experts and historians and through discussions with residents.
LOVA recently sent an explanation regarding the toponyms “Peace” and “Victory”, their significance for Soviet propaganda and the need to rename them. The official letter also stated that if no decision is made to rename streets or other objects of the toponymy of settlements within the stipulated period (until April 27, 2024), such renaming will be carried out by order of the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration.
Therefore, there is no time to postpone the renaming of streets in the future. This information was once again conveyed to the elders in order to inform all residents and quickly identify them with new names.
As a result of the commission’s work, it was possible to make a decision to rename a number of streets:
– Myru Street in the village of Bolekhivtsi – to Heroes of Ukraine Street,
– Myru Street in the village of Dobrivlyany – to Heroes of Ukraine Street,
– Myru Street in the village of Derezhichi to Zahisnykiy Ukrainy Street,
– Peremogy Street in the village of Stare Selo to Andrey Sheptytskyi Street,
– Peremogy Street in the village of Selets to Halytsky Streletswa Street.
The draft decision on renaming these streets will be sent to the relevant deputy commission. The final decision on the renaming will be made by the session of the Drogobytsk City Council.
The commission also developed recommendations for five more street names that need to be renamed. In particular, Peace Street in the village of Rykhtychi, Peace Street in the village of Mykhaylevichi, Peremogy Street in the village of Mykhaylevichi, Victory Street in the village of Stupnytsia, and Peace Street in the village of Ranevichi. Variants of names recommended by the commission, the elders will once again discuss with residents and choose the most optimal name.
The possibility of renaming Volyanska Street to Andrii Melnyk Street will also be discussed with the residents of the village of Volya Yakubova.
The commission also discussed the issue of placing an old plaque with the Soviet term “Ukraine” on the facade of St. Bartholomew’s Church. In accordance with the requirements of the law, it must be replaced, so the commission decided on the need to replace the inscription on the plate.
An official letter will be sent to the balance holder.
In “miscellaneous” commission members discussed the issue of assigning names to parks and squares in the community. Information about existing parks and squares and the names that can be assigned to them will be considered at the next meeting of the commission, which will be held in early March.