
In the Lviv Region, they want to create a Clinical Center for Children’s Medicine, the Sosniv Hospital has been joined to the regional hospital

Депутати підтримали створення на Львівщині Клінічного центру дитячої медицини

Today, on September 19, deputies of the Lviv Regional Council voted at their meeting for the creation of a single regional children’s hospital in Lviv Oblast on the basis of the Lviv Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital “OHMATDYT” and the Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Medical Center.

The newly created “Clinical Center of Children’s Medicine” will be a supercluster medical institution included in the capable network of the hospital district of the Lviv region.

The main goal of such an association is to improve the quality and availability of medical care for children, increase the efficiency of the use of budget funds and personnel potential.

As told by the acting director of LOVA’s health care department Nataliya Litvinska, after the merger the new institution will receive 27 areas of medical care for children, it remains only to develop a single children’s cardiac surgery.

“After three years, we have a chance to re-contract and successfully enter a capable network as a single children’s institution. According to the number of directions, in the future we will be able to apply even to the national level,” noted Nataliya Litvinska.

According to her, the employees of the institutions will not be dismissed, but will go to work in the new unified medical institution.

It is also expected that the children’s center will receive additional financial resources due to the program of state guarantees of medical care for the population, which will improve the quality and availability of pediatric care within the hospital district of the Lviv region.

Acting Andriy Bilous, head of the property management of joint property of the regional council, emphasized that property complexes and land plots of medical institutions will remain unchanged.

Acting Director of the Western Ukrainian Specialized Children’s Center, Roman Kizima, emphasized that this is not an easy decision, but it is a chance for both hospitals to develop and strengthen each other.

The head of the health and maternity commission, Anna Yarmola, noted that the specialized commission heard the institution’s development strategy, discussed certain risks, however, in her opinion, this decision will help the hospital compete for the quality of medical services with other institutions, and another plus – a higher rate of contracting from the National Health Service, improvement of hospital equipment and simplification of patient logistics.

It should be added that the draft decision was discussed and supported by the health and maternity commission and the communal property commission of the regional council.

Lviv regional clinical hospital was joined by the regional recovery treatment hospital No. 3, – the decision of the session

The Lviv Regional Rehabilitation Hospital No. 3 in Sosnivka was joined to the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital.

The deputies of the regional council made the relevant decision today, September 19.

The main goal is to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care for the population, including the provision of medical and rehabilitation assistance to persons injured as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.

“Now a large number of residents of Lviv Oblast and our military are undergoing rehabilitation at the hospital in Sosnivka. The Ministry of Health does not see this hospital as a separate institution. Therefore, joining it to the regional clinical hospital will provide an opportunity to develop, purchase equipment, decent salaries and provide high-quality rehabilitation services to our defenders,” said Deputy Chairman of the Lviv Regional Council Yuriy Kholod.

Deputies voted to join the pathology bureau to the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital

Deputies of the Lviv Regional Council today, September 19, made a decision to reorganize the Lviv Regional Pathological Anatomical Bureau of the ENT ENT Center by joining the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital.

According to the decision, a pathology center will be created on the basis of the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital, preserving the basic principles of the functioning of the pathology service within the hospital district of the Lviv Region.

Such a step will make it possible to improve the material and technical base, as well as to obtain additional financial resources through the state guarantee program, to improve the quality of medical care, through conducting prenatal and postmortem diagnosis of diseases, studying the etiology, pathogenesis and thanatogenesis of the most common ailments, ensuring control over the quality of clinical diagnostics and effectiveness of the treatment process in health care institutions.

“For a year now, the pathanatomy has had no financial resources, so we finance it from the regional budget. Now, when the pathology bureau will work in a complex with the regional clinical hospital, it will receive a new push for development,” – stressed the deputy chairman of the Lviv Regional Council Yuriy Kholod.

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