
The third Autumn Nursing Forum is underway in Lviv Region

The topic of mental health of Ukrainians became one of the key topics within the discussion panels of the event.

On October 28, the third Autumn Nursing Forum on the topic: “Nursing in the face of challenges” continues for the second day in a row in Lviv. This year, the forum brought together the nursing community of Ukraine, teachers of medical colleges, as well as international speakers.

The forum combined a theoretical and practical part, a discussion panel and master classes. The participants of the event had two activities per day to restore strength and combat burnout, and psychologists worked in the hall, and everyone who wanted could get a free consultation.

The event was attended by the Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko, the head of the Lviv OVA Maksym Kozytskyi, the head of the Coordination Center for Mental Health of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Oksana Zbitneva, the director of coordination of central and regional authorities of the Coordination Center of the CMU, the adviser to the Prime Minister Minister Iryna Mykychak, colleagues from Poland and other honored guests.

“This event is extremely necessary, given the circumstances in which we live. It is necessary to speak and do it frankly, because mental health is an important component of the condition of each of us. The work of nurses is very important, because you treat not only civilians, but also our soldiers. Nursing is an integral part of the health care system of Ukraine. Thank you to each and every one of you for your work,” said Viktor Lyashko.

The purpose of the forum is to convey the importance of the role of a medical nurse as an equal member of a multidisciplinary team in the mental and physical rehabilitation of patients, psychological help and self-help training, working out simulation scenarios related to team interaction, as well as free exchange of ideas, improving practical skills in caring for a lying patient , providing first aid, etc.

“During today’s event, it is important to find answers to the questions that bother you and to discuss things that there is not enough time for in the whirlwind of everyday worries. Nursing is something without which medicine cannot function in any way. Dear nurses and brothers, thank you for your work, daily exploits and your big loving hearts,” said the head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration Maksym Kozytskyi.

Also during the forum, an interactive event “Journey to Mental Health” took place, during which each of the participants passed a test on their psycho-emotional state. After that, the teachers of the Lviv Medical College of Postgraduate Education, who are trainers of WHO mhGAP and “Self-Help +”, demonstrated self-help techniques to relieve tension.

Organizers of the event: Lviv Medical College of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Lviv Regional Military Administration, Department of Health of Lviv Oblast, USAID and Lviv Regional Council. Co-organizers: Lviv Region Nurses Association, Lviv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital.


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