Roman Boyko, a native of the Drohobych community, who gave his life defending his country from the enemy, may be awarded the honorary title of “Hero of Ukraine” (posthumously). The corresponding petition was registered on the official website of the President of Ukraine.
Out of the required 25,000 votes, 21,655 have already been collected. The voting will last for another six days, so the authors urge Drohobych residents and all those who care to sign the petition and thus honor the fallen Hero.
Roman Boyko was born in the village of Hai Nyzhni, Drohobych community. Above all, he loved his family and Ukraine. Everyone who knew him says that such sincere people like him are extremely rare.
From the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Roman took up arms and stood up to defend his homeland. He was a gunner-assistant to the grenade launcher of the 3rd airmobile division of the 2nd airmobile platoon of the 13th airmobile company of the 4th airmobile battalion of the military unit A4355.
On his last combat mission, during an artillery shelling, Roman sustained an explosive injury incompatible with life. He died on April 26, 2024, defending our homeland until his last breath, near the village of Stelmakhivka, Svativ district, Luhansk region.
Roman’s family, friends, and comrades-in-arms are proud of him – a man with a capital M, who fulfilled his duty as a citizen of Ukraine with honor and dignity.
During the implementation of measures to ensure the defense of Ukraine, he never complained that it was difficult for him, on the contrary, he always found words of support, saying that Ukraine would soon win and he would definitely return home. He sincerely believed in our victory to the very last and did his best to bring it closer,” – the petition says.
You can support the petition to award the fallen defender the title of “Hero of Ukraine” by following the link: https://petition.president.gov.ua/petition/226238 .