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Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world. Approximately one in twelve women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women.

According to the National Cancer Registry, in 2020, 12,824 cases of breast cancer were registered in Ukraine (12,736 women and 88 men), and 4,998 people died as a result of this disease (4,960 women and 38 men). That is, for every 10 new cases of the disease in Ukraine, 3 deaths from it are registered. Most often, breast cancer manifests itself as a painless “ball” (lump) or a lump in the breast. It is important that women who discover an abnormal lump in the breast seek medical advice without delay, no later than 1-2 months after the lump is detected, even if they do not feel any pain. Early detection of the disease contributes to more successful treatment. As a rule, among the symptoms of breast cancer, the following are distinguished:
the appearance of a “ball” or tightness in the chest;
change in the size, shape and appearance of the mammary gland;
indentation, redness, appearance of ulcers and other changes on the skin of the mammary gland;
change in the shape and appearance of the nipple or the skin around the nipple (areola);
abnormal discharge from the nipple;
an increase in axillary or supraclavicular lymph nodes. All women over the age of 20 should self-examine their mammary glands every month. Diagnostics should be performed 6–12 days after the start of menstruation.
Stand in front of the mirror, lower your hands, assess the appearance of the breasts and the color of the nipples.
Repeat the inspection with your hands up. First examine the front, then both sides.
Holding the left hand behind the head, feel the left mammary gland with the right: pay attention to swelling and thickening.
Probing should start from the upper quarter and move clockwise. Repeat the examination with the right gland.
Squeeze the nipple with two fingers. Check for discharge.
In a lying position, repeat the palpation, starting from the upper part of the gland.
Press the gland in a circular motion. Make sure that there are no swellings and seals.
Feel the groin. Check for enlarged lymph nodes. In case of any changes in the mammary glands, contact your doctor immediately! To prevent breast cancer, it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle (abstain from smoking and alcohol, regularly engage in physical activity and maintain a normal body weight), as well as to undergo a timely examination by a doctor:
mammologist – at least once every 1-2 years;
women over 50 years old — to perform mammographic examinations every year.

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