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Volleyball players of Lviv region went further in the first school competitions of the final stage of the School Leagues

The final part of the largest student competition, the All-Ukrainian School Leagues Side by Side, has started in Kyiv.

The strongest teams from the regions are competing in five sports: volleyball, futsal, basketball, orienteering and cheerleading. The first matches have already taken place.

Volleyball among boys: the team from Lviv region – Sokal Secondary School No. 2 (Chervonohrad district) – defeated their rivals from the Multidisciplinary Lyceum of Oleksandria (Kirovohrad region) with a score of 2:0. Tomorrow, the boys will play a match for the 1/4 finals against pupils from Yuzhnoukoaine Lyceum №3 (Mykolaiv region).

Girls’ volleyball: The team of Stryi Lyceum defeated their rivals from Zhytomyr Lyceum No. 27 with a score of 2-0. The girls automatically reached the 1/4 finals, but it is not yet known who they will play. The next match is scheduled for 15 June.

Futsal: students of Lviv Secondary School No. 29 lost to the team of Poltava Sports Lyceum with a score of 3-4 and, unfortunately, stop participating in the competition.

Basketball: the team of the Sambir Lyceum named after Andriy Tchaikovsky lost to the team of the Dnipro School No. 15 with a score of 34:89 and, unfortunately, also stops playing in the competition.

“We thank our schoolchildren for the interesting matches and continue to support them. In addition to the boys’ and girls’ volleyball teams, we are keeping our fingers crossed for the orienteering (14-15 June) and cheerleading (16 June) teams,” said Roman Khimyak, Head of the Youth and Sports Department of the Lviv Regional Military Administration.

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