Листи до редакції

On November 1, there will be no gas in some settlements of Stryshchyna

JSC “Lvivgaz”, operating under the brand name of the Regional Gas Company, informed the Voice of Sokal Region about the works in the Stryi and Drohobytsky branches

Due to works within the framework of the investment program on the high-pressure gas pipeline, there will be no gas supply in 5 settlements of Stryi region from 8:00 a.m.:

Kozyova, Plavie, Oryavchyk, Tysovets and Tukhlya (total – 527 subscribers)

Due to work on switching the newly constructed medium-pressure gas pipeline, gas supply to 1,025 subscribers of the village of Ulychne, Drohobytskyi branch will be stopped from 8:00 a.m.

Gas supply will be restored after 5:00 p.m., as the work progresses.

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