Employees of territorial police units of Lviv region together with rescuers, ecologists and representatives of territorial communities conduct raids to prevent the burning of grass, shrubs, garbage and other vegetation in backyards or fields.
Militiamen remind that for unauthorized burning of vegetation or its remains, according to Part 1 of Article 77-1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine, a fine is imposed on citizens from one hundred and eighty to three hundred and sixty non-taxable minimum incomes (ie from 3060 to 6120 hryvnias ), for officials – from nine hundred to one thousand two hundred and sixty non-taxable minimum incomes (from 15,300 to 21,420 hryvnias)
In addition, incineration of dry matter and garbage is a criminal offense. Thus, according to Article 245 (Destruction or damage of flora) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, for fire damage to forests, greenery around settlements, along railways, as well as stubble, dry wild grass, vegetation or its remnants on agricultural lands The penalty is a fine of five thousand four hundred to nine thousand non-taxable minimum incomes, or restriction of liberty for a term of two to five years, or imprisonment for the same period.
If such actions result in the death of people, mass deaths of animals or other serious consequences, they are punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to ten years.
So the police urge: do not burn garbage and dry grass, do not provoke fires. Such actions cause significant damage to the state, the environment, as well as harm the health and lives of citizens.
If you have witnessed such an offense, report it to hotline 102.
Lviv Oblast Police Communication Department