Today, November 11, the inspector of the juvenile prevention sector, police captain Oksana Hrystiuk and the senior precinct police officer of police department N1 of the Chervonograd district police department, police captain Volodymyr Khristyn, met with students from one of the kindergartens in the city of Radehiv.
Law enforcement officers reminded the children of the rules of safe behavior on the road, told about the Traffic Rules for pedestrians and cyclists, explained road signs. In a playful way, the children worked out various situations that can happen to drivers and pedestrians, and together with the police “created chaos” on the road and tried to get out of a dangerous situation together.
The kids enjoyed participating in the games, and also “taught” the policemen to draw traffic lights. Everyone had fun and interest.
Each young participant received a gift from the law enforcement officers – light-reverting emoticons. Now young pedestrians will be visible on the road.
The event was held at the end of the Safety Week, during which Lviv Oblast police officers visited educational institutions and reminded children of the rules of safe behavior on the road.
Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police