Resident of Riasne-Ruske Rented Out Garden for Landfill
In Riasne-Ruske, a resident rented out his garden for an unauthorized landfill. He allowed waste to be dumped on his private plot by trucks from all over the area. Community officers had to explain why such behavior is unacceptable. They also fined the truck driver who recently brought a new load of garbage to the site. Now, he faces a fine of up to 1700 UAH.
Community Reaction
The office of the Lviv community in Riasne-Ruske says they have repeatedly explained to the enterprising man that private ownership does not give him the right to such arbitrariness. Nearby are gardens where vegetables are grown, and further away are residential houses. There is a high risk of groundwater contamination. Ultimately, it is simply a lack of respect for the community you live in.
Fighting Landfills
Reminder: settlements in the Lviv community are actively combating unauthorized landfills. For this purpose, several years ago, camera traps were purchased, which are set up at various locations at intervals, as emphasized by the Office of Agglomeration and Community Development of LMR. Local residents who care about keeping their community clean are actively involved in identifying waste violators.