Новини культури

On 24 February, the Verkhovyna Ensemble will hold a charity concert in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Drohobych

On 24 February, on the second anniversary of the unbreakable resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian invader, the Honoured Carpathian Song and Dance Ensemble of Ukraine “Verkhovyna” invites you to a patriotic concert programme “Baptised by Fire”.

During the event, a fundraiser will be held, 100% of which will be donated to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

When: – 24 February, 16:00

Where: Ivan Franko National House.

The concert will be held with the support of the Department of Culture and Tourism Development, under the patronage of the Mayor of Drohobych Taras Kuchma.

Come and support Ukrainian culture with your applause, and the soldiers with your charitable donations.

Admission is free.


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