Новини культури

On December 28, the Youth Center “Under KOTC” will be opened in Drohobych

On Thursday, December 28, in the communal institution “Drogobyt cultural and educational center named after Ivan Franko” the ceremonial opening of the premises of the Youth Center “Under KOTSom”, which is located on the second floor of the institution, will take place.

When? – December 28, 11:00 a.m

Where? – KZ “Drogobyt cultural and educational center named after Ivan Franko”, str. Ivan Franko, 14

The youth center “Under KOTC” is a jointly implemented project of the Drohobytsk City Council and the “Network for the Development of Youth Centers and Spaces in Lviv Region”, co-financed by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Council of Europe.

The project was implemented on the initiative of the Youth and Sports Department of the Lviv Regional State Administration and the Lviv Regional Youth Center within the framework of the Greenhouse Initiatives Platform.

Everyone is invited to the opening. Free entrance.


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